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About Eyedun

Discover Oculivit AB: Promoting Eye Health

Oculivit AB (559268-5340) is a Swedish limited company dedicated to promoting eye health. They are a team with extensive experience in the optics industry, ranging from developing digital solutions to streamline opticians' processes and assist their customers, to designing and developing eyewear, selling vision aids, and accessories, and more.

The Hidden Epidemic!

They offer a high-quality eye vitamin, Eyedun, developed based on scientific studies and proven to have a scientifically proven effect on your vision. Eyedun eye vitamin contains no additives or other substances, only what truly benefits your eyes. 30% of all Swedes over 70 are affected by changes in the macula, but changes often begin as early as the age of 40. Oculivit AB actively works to raise awareness of age-related eye diseases with the goal of improving eye health.

The purpose of Eyedun eye vitamin is to prevent eye diseases such as cataracts and AMD (age-related macular degeneration) and promote overall eye health. The idea behind the supplement is to benefit the body and maintain our perhaps most vital sense, vision. Eyedun contains natural vitamins, such as vitamin C and D, which are also beneficial for other parts of the body besides the eyes. Eyedun contains no unnecessary or ineffective ingredients that do not add value.

On their Instagram @eyedun, you can find posts about achieving a healthy lifestyle. Their social media platforms also feature facts, information, stories, and reviews from their customers. The goal of their eye vitamin is to contribute knowledge and provide a better and healthier life for everyone, from the inside out!

They Take Responsibility

Eyedun is produced in Sweden, benefiting the Swedish economy and providing jobs, and complies with the strict quality regulations in Sweden and the EU. They continuously work to develop and improve their products and their handling, all to provide you as a customer with the best products and the best possible service, with minimal environmental impact. They minimize packaging, work with recycled materials, pack their deliveries in as small and light packages as possible, always with delivery directly to your mailbox.

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